What do you get in each issue??
Some of the columns in the publications are:
Cover Rebus
Editor's Letter
Rebus Pen Pals
Guest Rebuser (with bio and rebus)
The Rebus Spotter (public rebus sightings submitted by readers)
Rebus Word Search
From The Mail Room (huge spread of rebuses from our readers)
Rebus Crossword Puzzle
Rebus Stamp suggestions
Rebus Techniques (this is a great learning tool)
Miscellaneous Rebus Articles
Placement Rebuses
Rebus Book Review
Rebus Game Review
Advanced Rebus Play (featured rebuses to solve)
Answers to previous issue
Liner notes will be supplied with each copy to alert you to any dated material.
Not every issue has every column, some issues have more of a particular column, it varies. But every issue is completely unique, there is no duplication, and you're sure to be entertained for hours (actually, weeks!) solving the rebuses (and even learning to make your own!).
This is a rare opportunity. These are out of print. These are from the original printer's master sheets and will no longer be printed. These sold for $3.00 per issue back to subscribers in 1992-95, which was worth a lot more then!
We are proud to announce an all new issue, Issue #14, which is now in the works. This issue will have all new articles. Click on the All New Issue tab for a synopsis.
Cover Rebus
Editor's Letter
Rebus Pen Pals
Guest Rebuser (with bio and rebus)
The Rebus Spotter (public rebus sightings submitted by readers)
Rebus Word Search
From The Mail Room (huge spread of rebuses from our readers)
Rebus Crossword Puzzle
Rebus Stamp suggestions
Rebus Techniques (this is a great learning tool)
Miscellaneous Rebus Articles
Placement Rebuses
Rebus Book Review
Rebus Game Review
Advanced Rebus Play (featured rebuses to solve)
Answers to previous issue
Liner notes will be supplied with each copy to alert you to any dated material.
Not every issue has every column, some issues have more of a particular column, it varies. But every issue is completely unique, there is no duplication, and you're sure to be entertained for hours (actually, weeks!) solving the rebuses (and even learning to make your own!).
This is a rare opportunity. These are out of print. These are from the original printer's master sheets and will no longer be printed. These sold for $3.00 per issue back to subscribers in 1992-95, which was worth a lot more then!
We are proud to announce an all new issue, Issue #14, which is now in the works. This issue will have all new articles. Click on the All New Issue tab for a synopsis.